Suitable for timing distributor type diesel fuel pumps on engines fitted with Bosch VE Rotary, Kiki, Nippon Denso, CAV Rotodiesel top entry port. These systems are mainly found on car and light commercial vehicles. Supplied with dial gauge in stora...
Price: £127.95 from Tooled Up
For timing 2.0D and 2.2D EcoTec chain drive diesel engines in VauxhallOpel and Saab vehicles. Kit includes camshaftinjection pump timing adjustment fixture. Supplied in carry case.OEM Tools Saab 83 95 394, 83 95 337, 83 95 352, 83 95 ...
Camshaft setting and flywheel locking tools to cover BMW M47TUT2 and M57TUT2 diesel engines used in BMW, Land Rover, RoverMG and VauxhallOpel models. Supplied in storage case.OEM Tools 11.2.30012 108, 12 171KM 813, 11.3.34012 172KM...
Comprehensive kit for timing 2.0D, 2.2D & 2.4D Duratorq chain driven diesel engines fitted in Ford, Citroen, Fiat, Jaguar, Land Rover, LDV & Peugeot vehicles. Kit includes sprocket retaining plates for both early and later engines and access cover re...