Specially designed for the removal of camshaft pulleys. Legs fasten through holes in camshaft pulley for fast and sure removal, without damage to the pulley. Adjustable legs allow use on various sizes of pulley.MinimumMaximum Spread 22 43mm...
Price: £47.95 from Tooled Up
For timing belt replacement on certain Chrysler 1.8, 2.0 & 2.4 petrol engines it is necessary to remove the crankshaft pulley in order to remove the timing belt. To remove and install the pulley, special tools are required. In addition this kit must ...
Permits easy removal of freewheel pulley from alternator either on or off the vehicle. Insert allows alternator shaft to be held while the pulley retainer is removed with the key nut.Applications Audi, BMW, Citroen, Ford, Mercedes, Peugeot, ...
Enables easy removal of freewheel alternator pulley, either on or off the vehicle. Allows alternator shaft to be held while the pulley retainer is removed. Incorporates a complete range of combination TRX Star*, spline and hex adaptors to fit most al...