Loctite 5920 for flexible flanges, machined or casted surfaces, high temperature resistant.ApplicationsGasketingIndustrial GasketingIndustrial Silicone Flexible RTVSpecificationsColour CopperService temperat...
Price: £6.95 from Tooled Up
Loctite 5922 Improves the sealing performance of old and new pre cut gaskets.BenefitsImproves the sealing performance of old and new pre cut gaskets paper, cork, felt, etc.Slow curing pasteSets to a permanently flexible, non ...
Loctite 5926 for flexible flanges, machined or casted surfaces, metal or plastic.BenefitsMulti purpose flexible silicone sealant. Can be used on metal, plastic and painted parts. Resists vibration, thermal expansion and contraction.
This high performance silicone sealant, with excellent adhesive strength to all kind of surfaces including metals, plastics as well as combination of both, fulfills all your repair and maintenance requirements. LOCTITE SI 5980 has been designed speci...