Paper cartridge filter M BIA C dust class M, suitable as a main filter for dry and wet pick up.Compatible WithNT 701NT 702NT 702 AdvNT 702 Me TcNT 703NT 703 Me Tc...
Price: £50.95 from Tooled Up
5 x 3 ply, tear resistant paper filter bags. BIA U, S, G, C dust class M. For all NT 481, NT 652 Eco Me and NT 722 Eco Tc models.Compatible WithNT 481NT 481 110VNT 652 ApNT 652 Eco 110VNT 652 Tact
5 paper filter bags BIA C dust class M with reinforced outer ply e.g. cement dust. For all NT 361 Eco models except Eco H....
Paper flat pleated filter dust class M suitable for NT 361, NT 561, NT 611 EcoTeM and NT 351, NT 451, NT 551 EcoEco TeEco M....