4 metre electrically non conductive suction hose with bend, bayonet at vacuum end and C 40 clip connection at accessory end. Without module. Compatible WithNT 552 Tact Me INT 611NT 611 Eco KNT 611 Eco KFNT 652 A...
Price: £65.95 from Tooled Up
5 x 3 ply, tear resistant paper filter bags. BIA U, S, G, C dust class M. For all NT 481, NT 652 Eco Me and NT 722 Eco Tc models.Compatible WithNT 481NT 481 110VNT 652 ApNT 652 Eco 110VNT 652 Tact
4 m electrically non conductive standard extension hose for NT 652 Vacuum Cleaners....
2.5 m standard suction hose with bend, bayonet at vacuum end and C 35 clip connection at accessory end. Without PDFC module. Standard for NT 271Me Advance und NT 481. Compatible WithNT 271NT 271 MeNT 351 TactNT 3...